we're making News

There are very few slow days at a Blade of Grass – we're busy designing and maintaining Boston's most beautiful properties. Below are some of the recent highlights of our work, design awards, Boston landscaping events, press mentions, and general Blade happenings. For more Blade news, be sure to follow us out on Facebook and Instagram.
Festival of Wreaths Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction | Sudbury Historical Society

Festival of Wreaths Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction | Sudbury Historical Society

Come preview the renovated Loring Parsonage, enjoy some holiday cheer and bid on a wreath donated by one of Sudbury’s own! The Historical Society is collecting hand-made wreaths from local businesses and community members. These wreaths will be on display in the Parsonage during the week leading up to the party (December 4th – 8th) and sold at silent auction to benefit the SHS. The auction ends during the cocktail party, so make sure you’re there to place the winning bid on your favorite holiday wreath! Space is limited, so get your tickets now!.

The Massachusetts Horticultural Society's Festival of Trees

Festival of Trees @ Elm Bank | Massachusetts Horticultural Society

Looking for some winter fun? The Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Festival of Trees and Snow Village is a great day out for both children and adults alike. This event takes place from November 29 – December 15, 2019 at Mass Hort’s The Gardens at Elm Bank in Wellesley, MA. The Festival of Trees, displayed in the Hunnewell Building, offers beautifully decorated holiday trees that are donated and decorated by local businesses (that’s us), garden clubs, and individuals. Visitors “vote” with their raffle tickets, hoping to be the tree winner at the end of the Festival. For the young at heart, there are Santa Visits and other activities. For times and details, visit Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s website.


Wellesley Gardeners Guild

Deck the Halls Raffle | Wellesley Gardeners Guild

Those beautiful window boxes and platers you see at the Wellesley Post Offices and Free Library? They’re the work of the Wellesley Gardeners’ Guild – a small and very dedicated group of local volunteers. To support these projects, the non-profit is selling tickets to their annual “Deck the Halls” raffle. Each ticket is $20 and only 300 tickets will be sold. Among the prizes are two outdoor planters from a Blade of Grass, and many others from local designers and shops. To purchase your tickets, please email wellesleygardenersguild@gmail.com.

“This Old House” Landscape Designer Is a Girl Boss In A Man’s Field

“This Old House” Landscape Designer Is a Girl Boss In A Man’s Field | Exhale Lifestyle

Exhale Lifestyle has published a great article for women looking to break into the predominantly male-dominated landscaping field. With advice and tips from Jenn Nawada Evans of This Old House, Blade’s own Heather Lashbrook Jones also shares her thoughts on what it takes to succeed in the landscape design field. It’s a quick read and a must for anyone considering transforming their passion for gardening into a full-time career.

Boston Design Guide - Belmont Carriage House

History in the Making | Boston Design Guide

Our Belmont Carriage House project is getting noticed – a winner of the 2019 APLD Award for Residential Design, and this month a nod from Boston Design Guide. Architect Patrick Ahearn and our own Jim Douthit are featured in the article which includes several great shots of the property and dive into the strategy they employed both inside and out. We really loved designing on this property (and still maintain it) and hope you’ll enjoy reading about the design process behind it. You can find the article in Boston Design Guide’s latest digital edition, pages 28-31.

Flower-free Gardens | Boston Design Guide

Flower-free Gardens | Boston Design Guide

Believe it or not, not every garden needs flowers. In fact, we’ve designed and installed many beautiful properties throughout the Boston area that feature only natural grasses, shrubs, and stone. Yes, it requires a thoughtful design to make these elements harmonize without the expected colors and textures of the traditional flower gardens, but our clients love the results. Boston Design Guide has posted a great write-up on this topic featuring some of our “no-flower” work. Enjoy!

The Trustees - Boston Community Gardens‎ - Jamaica Plain Garden Tour

Jamaica Plain Garden Tour | The Trustees – Boston Community Gardens

Join The Trustees – Boston Community Gardens this Saturday (July 20th) for a peek into private gardens in lovely Jamaica Plain. After a wonderful launch last year, the Second Annual Jamaica Plain Garden Tour features a new selection of lush, expansive private gardens in the Pondside neighborhood of Jamaica Plain. This year’s sites range from small DIY gardens to spacious professionally-designed landscapes, including a property designed and maintained by a Blade of Grass. Tickets are on sale now and all proceeds from the tour support Trustees’ community gardens citywide.

50 Backyard Landscaping Ideas

50 Backyard Landscaping Ideas | The Spruce

Check out our “Woodland Garden” property and several other design-inspirations featured on the everything home website TheSpruce.com. Their “backyard as a living space” mantra completely aligns with ours, and it’s fun to see so many different paths (pun intended) to achieve that goal. Explore the 50 landscaping examples that show how a backyard can be transformed into everyone’s favorite space.

Wellesley Kitchen and Home Tour

Wellesley Kitchen and Home Tour | Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club

Join us for the Wellesley Kitchen and Home Tour this Saturday (May 4) presented by the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club. You’ll get a n up-close look at six of Wellesley’s most stunning homes, highlighting a variety of styles and concepts in design. This year’s tour guests will meet the creative forces behind the houses and enjoy gourmet bites and pop-up boutiques at each home. All proceeds benefit local non-profits and scholarship programs. Get your tickets today.

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If you'd like to learn more about a Blade of Grass, and keep up with our company news, awards, events and landscape design projects, connect with us on the socialsphere.