news and posts about How To

Below are our news and blog posts about How To. Not what you're looking for? Use the site navigation to learn more about a Blade of Grass and our landscaping services.
How to Plan a Flower Bulb Garden

How to Design a Flower Bulb Garden

Spring bulbs are wonderful in every way. Many of them bloom early, while most other plants haven’t dared to break bud. They have interesting shapes, colors, and textures and there is something magical about the fact that they are planted in the fall and then lay dormant until they poke up through the earth at the first sign of the spring thaw.
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a low maintenance design stone path

How to Design a Low Maintenance Garden

Clients often request “no maintenance" or "low maintenance” plantings for the design of their garden. Let’s just agree right off the bat that there is no such thing as a no maintenance garden. Even if you cover your land with a pad of concrete it still needs to be swept occasionally, to keep from building up debris. Low maintenance, on the other hand, is a goal that can be achieved.
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